When you file a bankruptcy you need to pay the court filing fees. Currently, the filing fees are:
- $306 for a Chapter 7,
- $281 for a Chapter 13 and
- $246 for a Chapter 12.
The Judicial Conference approved an increase of the filing fees by $29. Commencing with June 01, 2014, the new filing fees will be:
- $335 for a Chapter 7,
- $310 for a Chapter 13 and
- $275 for a Chapter 12.
Normally, the filing fees are due when you file your petition. However, if you cannot afford to pay the filing fees but you need the protection of the bankruptcy code immediately, i.e. to stop a wage garnishment, then you can ask the court to pay the filing fees in installment after the filing. Your proposed payment schedule cannot have more than four installments, and the final payment cannot be later than 120 days after you file the petition. You have to make certain that your payments are made in a timely manner, otherwise the court will dismiss your case.